Wildlife Tree - Bats Wildlife Tree edZOOcation™ Readers Book (Level 2)

Wildlife Tree

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Level 2: Supported Reader Age Range: 6 - 8 years Grade Level: 1 - 2 Language: English Level 2 books are just right for kids who are beginning to read more independently. ABOUT WILDLIFE TREE edZOOcation™ READERS: BATS Bats are the only mammals that can fly and some can fly as fast as 100mph, that's twice as fast as a cheetah can run! Discover the fascinating secret lives of bats in this Level 2 Reader. Level 2 books teach primary-grade science to children beginning to read independently. ABOUT WILDLIFE TREE edZOOcation™ READERS WILDLIFE TREE edZOOcation™ READERS inspires a love for animals through reading. The Supported Reader (Level 2) books introduce new ideas, supported by pictures, to teach more advanced scientific concepts to kids who are beginning to read more independently. ABOUT SARA KARNOSCAK Sara Karnoscak has had a passion for writing her whole life. She loves the opportunity to teach, entertain, and otherwise make people’s worlds a little bigger.